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3rd Grade Science: Robotics Resources: Meet New Robots

Hotel Robot

Imagine going to a hotel and having a robot take your luggage, help with room service, and even show you around. At the Sheraton Hotel, you don’t have to imagine. These robots can do the job!



Meet Flippy, a robot that works flipping burgers. Notice that while Flippy does have an arm, the robot does not need a body, legs, and a head. Think about this as you imagine your robot.



Sweeper is a robot that picks peppers. It has a special camera to help it notice which peppers are ripe. Then it uses a tiny blade to cut the pepper and it drops into a specially designed “hand”.


Meet Kobi: This robot has three different parts that change it from a snow blower robot to a lawn mower robot to a leaf blower robot!

Spot, the robot dog

Meet Spot, the robot dog. Spot is helping doctors and nurses at a time when social distancing is pretty important, even in hospitals. Spot has an iPad as a special feature and can get close to a patient so a doctor can talk to a patient through the iPad.


This robot called Penny works in a restaurant to deliver food to tables. Notice the shape and special places for food.


Meet OSHbot, a robot that helps in a hardware store. OSHbot can talk to customers and help them find what they are looking for. It has several special features, too! 



Robo-bees: This robot is the size of a penny! Engineers have been working on improving this robot for over 10 years. One improvement is that the robot can now go in water! Watch the first video to learn about Robo-bees, and the second one to see the special features of the improved Robo-bee.

Amazon Robots

Did you ever wonder what happens when your order is ready to ship at Amazon? It’s possible a robot helped get it to the right place in the warehouse! Meet the new robots and the “robot boss.” Be sure to think about how the shape of these robots is just perfect for the job they do.